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NASA launched the Mars robotic vehicle Curiosity mm Telephoto Lens with hundreds of photos taken in the vague geological layers has been identified. U.S. space agency NASA robotic vehicle that the original target "Mount Sharp" is also published on Monday Color Panorama picture of the car on another planet, the first sound recording was sent. However, with promotional activities Curiosity known as the Mars science laboratory mission to the red planet that is ready for devices which do not Bhutto. The robotic vehicle space agency NASA says Mars about this information before sending more data has. Curiosity almost three weeks before on mars landing. This mission space history to a very courageous mission and it is declared a tons of planets on the car during the two-year-old establishment will try to do this that never come signs of life on mars was present or not. The key purpose of the mission of mars situated in southern Sharp they will in the name of the famous peak to the bottom of the car and robotic study of rocks there. The top of the border Curiosity six kilometers away from the present position is in there and take a year.
[реклама вместо картинки]
The car robotic mars at the level of the symbols of the crane review which is taking place with the help of to the car. After the analyzes of Curiosity devices with the help of a certain level of mars in such a hydroxyl hydrogen and the rate of Minerals will examine the planets in the past on the presence of water can be estimated in the laboratory a chemical camera is also with the help of the laser any rock to change vapor in their chemical analysis. However, till now, Nasa scientists for the most interesting thing is the general item Curiosity sent by which they will present in Sharp pictures of the white absolute picture two different departments in separate beds to see that. The car robotic central camera has divided the picture of the area which is that the earth is similar to this level which targeted volcanic or earthquakes are. These pictures is also found that the mother in law Sharp they will such a settlement is present in the present situation in the presence of mineral water but this settlement of Minerals in the Rind. They will travel by Sharp during the bottom of the next camp in the east Curiosity hundred meters Glanlig named by the place apparently will be three different departments of letters crossing.

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